Marketing and co-operation

We are looking for those people, who can present the information in simple but informative way form. Those, who want to tell people about our products. We suggest you to become the one of the first people, who will learn of the novelties and get an opportunity to test our flashlights. We are open for co-operation.

What we suggest

1. Integration of product into the content.

We provide you with the samples of our products that you can integrate into your content.

2. Product review.

Do you use flashlights regularly? We send items for review. You can keep them in the majority of cases. We also publish a guest material in our social media with indicating an autorship and references to the resources.

3. Guest post on behalf of Armytek.

We сreate a unique and interesting material special for your resource. It allows you to diversify your content, and for us it’s a great opportunity to act as experts in different fields. We can also tell about the material with the help of our social-media and e-mail newsletters.

4. Press release.

We provide information about novelties, because we want you to be the first, who will tell about our innovations to your audience. Having such an opportunity you will be able to increase the traffic of resource. For us – to tell quickly and qualotative about the and introduce them into the market.

5. Media-advertisement and advertising articles.

Are you an administrator of blog, forum or website owner? We are interested in media-advertising (banners, videos, pre-rolls, etc.) and advertising articles about our products on your resources.

6. Advertisement in social media.

We offer a joint promotion for owners of groups and interesting publics in social media (advertising posts, links to our publics, collaborative giveways). We consider all suggestions.

7. Sponsorship.

We are ready to provide the products in the capacity of support for your activities and promotions (prizes in the competitions, giveaways, gifts, bonuses and so on).

8. Expert opinion.

Do you use flashlights, chargers and batteries? Your opinion about Armytek products is interesting for us and we invite you for co-operation! We look forward to get from you an expert review on Armytek products quality. We, in turn, are ready to provide you with samples of products and opportunity to take part in development.

9. Co-marketing.

We are interested in co-operation if you are a producer or seller of products in neighbor field (for example, knives, every day cary goods). Joint projects, promotions, discounts, mutual e-mail newsletters, posts in social media for our audience. We are open for new ideas.

10. Own idea.

Do you have any other suggestions of mutually beneficial co-operation? We are ready to listen all your suggestions!

Сomplete a form below and we will respond to you as soon as possible.